Complying Development Certificates

Complying Development (or CDC) is a fast-track approval system that encompasses a planning and construction approval all in one.

If your application meets the development standards and requirements set out in the legislation, CoCert can approve without an application being made to your Local Council. It is an approval process for straight-forward developments such as dwellings, alterations and additions to existing buildings, and swimming pools.

The Process
  1. Obtain a Section 10.7 Planning Certificate from your Local Council to confirm Complying Development is permissible for your site.
  2. Engage an Architect or Draftsperson to design your building in accordance with the relevant development standards and requirements set out in the applicable planning legislation. This includes providing a compliance table on the plans detailing full compliance with the planning controls.
  3. Contact CoCert to obtain a Fee Proposal for our certification services in relation to the proposed building works. For CoCert to provide a Fee Proposal, we need the following documents:
    1. Copy of the Section 10.7 Planning Certificate (Certificate has to be up to date or less than 3 months old)
    2. Copy of Architectural Plans showing the proposed building complies with the relevant development standards and requirements set out in the planning legislation applicable i.e. NSW SEPP (Exempt & Complying Development) Code 2008
  4. Upon acceptance of the Fee Proposal, we require submission of the signed Fee Proposal, application forms and the documents outlined on the Fee Proposal. Application will need to be made online via the NSW Planning Portal. Please visit to register your account and follow the information sent with the Fee Proposal.
  5. CoCert will allocate a Registered Certifier who will carry out a full assessment of the application on receipt of the required documentation to progress towards issuing your approval. CoCert will also commence any notifications required giving notice of your proposal.
  6. When everything is compliant, the Registered Certifier from CoCert will issue your Complying Development Certificate. After CoCert has notified the Council and you have notified your neighbours within the statutory timeframe; you can start building!
Modified Complying Development Certificate

During the building process, changes can happen, and these changes may require a Modified Complying Development Certificate to approve the changes. In these instances, please make contact with CoCert by emailing a copy of the amended plans & documentation for a fee proposal for the issuing of a Modified Complying Development Certificate to approve the changes. Please note that CoCert may not support the approval of the modifications so please do not assume you will qualify for approval and ensure communication with CoCert is completed before progressing with the modification applications.

Request a Fee Proposal

CoCert can act as the Registered Certifier and Certifying Authority, with our staff possessing the highest level of Registration (formerly Accreditation) in NSW.

Get in touch today to request a fee proposal.